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Slouching Towards My Weltanschauung

Download Book Slouching Towards My Weltanschauung

Slouching Towards My Weltanschauung contains eighteen essays, most of which were written in jest.

Subjects include: Leni Riefenstahl, Simone Weil, Judge Judy, The Biggest Loser, mindful meditation, La Cosa Nostra, ghosts and ghost hunters, the author's painful feet, divine messages regarding vegetable packaging, burn-out, the top-twenty, bestselling, intellectual books of all time (maybe), waking to pee through the night after age fifty, plants with PTSD, and a search for the magical Red Ball Jets.

Whimsical reading perfect before sleep or when taking a flight or anytime you'd like a break from reality, (with the exception of the final essay -- which is definitely a piece of reality.)

This book is about 100 pages. Cover Design by Hsi Chen.