CACTUS IN MY ASS! Section A of the Pacific Crest Trail (CJ's Outdoor Adventure Series Book 3) Book Free

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CACTUS IN MY ASS!  Section A of the Pacific Crest Trail (CJ's Outdoor Adventure Series Book 3)

Download Book CACTUS IN MY ASS!  Section A of the Pacific Crest Trail (CJ's Outdoor Adventure Series Book 3)

The Pacific Crest Trail spans from Mexico to Canada, stretching 2,650 miles across the United States. Section A is the first 110 miles of wild and crazy mountainous desert that starts you on your way north. This story describes the amazing adventure of starting the big trail during the traditional "kick-off." Along the way, hikers crash and burn in droves and it is my fate to join them. Come along with me for some fun in the sun! A nonfiction short story, 34 pages.