The Second Book of General Ignorance: Everything You Think You Know Is (Still) Wrong Download Book

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The Second Book of General Ignorance: Everything You Think You Know Is (Still) Wrong

Download Book The Second Book of General Ignorance: Everything You Think You Know Is (Still) Wrong

From the brains behind The Book of General Ignorance comes another wonderful collection of the most outrageous, fascinating, and mind-bending facts, taking on the hugely popular form of the first book in the internationally bestselling series.
The original Book of General Ignorance was published in 2006. It has since been translated into twenty-six languages and sold over 1.2 million copies.
     Now, just when you thought that it was safe to start showing off again, John Lloyd and John Mitchinson are back with another busload of mistakes and misunderstandings. Here is a new collection of simple, perfectly obvious questions you'll be quite certain you know the answers to. Whether it's history, science, sports, geography, literature, language, medicine, the classics, or common wisdom, you'll be astonished to discover that everything you thought you knew is still hopelessly wrong.
     For example, do you know who made the first airplane flight? How many legs doe